by International Secure Environments | Mar 5, 2019 | Blog, News
Recently, the sales team at Argus True ID attended the Retail Risk 2019 event in Melbourne, Australia. As the retail industry moves into another challenging year, we speak with our ANZ Sales Director, Blair Crawford, on the key themes discussed at the event, as well...
by International Secure Environments | Jan 24, 2019 | Blog, News
With biometrics fast becoming commonplace, so many areas of our lives are seeing a positive impact. In the workplace, it is a widely-accepted technology to improve business processes, but I read with interest recently, about a new workplace application: as a...
by International Secure Environments | Nov 28, 2018 | Blog, News
Many people immediately think of fingerprints when they hear about biometrics. However, biometrics are about far more than just fingerprints. These days there are a number of different biometric modalities available, from voice authentication to iris recognition and...
by International Secure Environments | Oct 25, 2017 | Blog, News
Of all the hot topics in the world today, security is at the top of almost everyone’s list. It’s certainly an area that has changed significantly in the past two decades. There’s no doubt that the rise in global terrorism has affected this viewpoint. We see it in the...